Mareeba Baptist

Pastor’s Pen

July 2024

As the month of July comes upon us, I always get a firm reminder that what still seems a bit of a new year, is no longer new.

We are past the halfway mark and a new financial year has begun.

Of course, July is a special time in Mareeba – our annual Rodeo is a highlight of our year. Watching the night program from the stands is probably the coldest experience that you can get in our tropical town – short of going for a swim in a creek in July.

July is also an important month for many other parts of the world, who celebrate their national day during the month.

France, USA, Canada, Burundi, Rwanda, Malawi, Mongolia, Monaco, Columbia and Belgium are just some of the countries who look forward to July every year to celebrate their Throne Day, Independence Day, Revolution Day or even the Accession of King Leopold I day. Feel free to celebrate any of these days as you see fit.

As Christians though, we know that there is an even more special day that is coming – the day of the Lord. The prophet Malachi describes it as a day that will burn like a furnace (Malachi 4:1).

Those who are evildoers or arrogant will be consumed by the fire.

But for those who revere the name of the Lord, this will be a wonderful day. “And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall”.

Picture the calf – released from its tether, running and leaping for joy in the freedom of the meadow.

We have lots to do every day. But never take your focus and thoughts off the coming time, when Jesus returns to bring us joy – and takes us home.

Pastor Murray

June 2024

Winter is here. At least what passes for winter up here in the Far North.

This is the time of year that we remember why we love living in Mareeba – bright blue skies, beautiful mild temperatures and a complete absence of rain.

Well I certainly hope it is. At the time of writing, it is a bit cooler but the sky is completely clouded over and it is drizzling. So I’m having to trust that our reliable winter weather has arrived at last.

For us, winter is a season to look forward to, but in other parts of the world it is not always so easy. Many societies put their lives on hold to hunker down for the winter. But winter is when we begin to come alive.

Song of Solomon 2:11-12 describes the feeling of joy when the cold of winter is over and new life is returning:

See! The winter is past;
    the rains are over and gone.
 Flowers appear on the earth;
    the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.

The fact that we see things the other way round doesn’t alter our joy in the coming season.

We should praise our wonderful creator for the world that He has made and for each season that brings a different flavour to life. Variety always gives us something to look forward to.

And we should always be giving thanks that in a world that is constantly changing, God never changes. He is perfectly consistent – the same, yesterday, today and forever. He loves us and is perfectly reliable.

Here’s to staying cool and dry for a few months.

Pastor Murray

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